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Spark'd Challenge Entries

Elsa X2

Here are a couple of links to the challenges I've attempted. I have entered stylist, builder, and storyteller several times and no such luck to be noticed. The closest I've gotten was my Funky Fantasy build for the Destination Wedding challenge, which was a receiver of popular votes in the way of Favorites and Downloads, but I was discouraged from further participating when the Sims team picked a similarly-themed (less spectacular?) build that had fewer community votes than mine. On one storyteller challenge, the upload option on their site was (at least for me) down prematurely before the deadline. So, I'm a little burned on it and don't think the submission process is smooth or fair. I think the stuff I made was decent/okay. Have a peek.

You can find my households and builds in the Sims 4 Gallery at ElsaX2.

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